Friday, January 27, 2017

Sed with examples

sed is a wonderful Linux utility with lot of options, in my opinion the only other Unix utility which can outdo it, is none other then awk , here are some examples which will help you to understand beauty of sed

Consider file Example.txt for this :

Now lets say if you want to view only second line of this file, sed comes to your rescue

Remember to use "-n" option or else following would happen , since default behavior of sed with "p" option is print all the line, "-n" will suppress that

Now what if you want to view all the lines except the third line, try as mentioned below

using "d" you "deleted" the unwanted line , remember you have not deleted anything in original "Example.txt" file , its just a view , to modify original file you will need to use -i option

there is one more useful option and it is "q"  ( quit )

if you want to view only first line and want to quit after it, this is how you use it

if you want to print all the lines which starts with a certain character ( Lets say A ), following example is going to help you, "^" signifies start of a line 

Printing a line with ending with certain character is not difficult either,
i have printed line ending with "5" , here "$" signifies end of a line

sed is also a very useful for substitution ( with s option ), consider following file "Subsitute.txt" as an example, it has three columns separated by comma ( , ) and four rows

 Now following example can help you if you want to substitute all the occurrence of "xyz" with "XYZ" 

but what if you want to keep "xyz" untouched in first row and change the all other occurrence of "xyx" in from 2nd row till end ?

it was quite easy right ? ( See that "$" again )

Now you need to replace "xyz" only in second row , its soooooo simple  !!!!!!

Alright So far You must have noticed "g"  and many of you have already guessed it right, its for "global substitution "  , if you use g option it substitutes all occurrence of intended pattern in ALL columns
however in real world you may not want this, there may be situations when you want to replace only first occurrence of a pattern  in a particular row
Just  replace the g with occurrence number you want to replace and it will do the trick for you

Observe above result carefully , the Second occurrence of "xyz" in fourth row was not replaced , why ?
Since we only meant to replace the first occurrence of "xyz" in our command

sed is really very feature rich, its not easy to cover all of them in single post
so please do wait for my future posts
please comment and share if you liked my post, your suggestions are always welcomed and will help me in improving my future posts 

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