Sunday, July 10, 2022

Cyber Safety tips

Cyber Safety tips

Internet has become an important part of our life, while its been helping us in our day to day life, it has its own set of risks, online frauds are becoming very common now a days, people end up loosing their hard earn money or important data, sometimes people become victims of identity theft,or their personal photographs are compromised. here are some tips which can save you from falling pray to such scams.

1. Passwords are first wall of defence against cyber attacks, Keep Complex and long password, Dont use same password for multiple sites /social media accounts , never share otp/password , Avoid writing passwords.

2. Dont install apps from any untrusted source on your mobile phone, Read user reviews of apps, think twice before downloading new apps with very few numbers of downloads, you can Also Control permissions given to apps , try to give minimum required permissions to any app , Avoid scanning qr codes from unkown source.

3. Dont click on random links received via whatsapp/sms, avoid clicking on any unkown link, make sure that the website address is correct, sites starting with "https" ( instead of http ) are relatively safe ( also check for padlock symbol in front of "https" sites ).

4. Avoid international unkown numbers, dont share any personal information on any Call with known numbers, never share otps and passwords on call with anyone, watch for unusual Network absense, long duration unusual Network absense can be serious, Someone may be trying to get another sim with your number.

5. Avoid sharing personal information such as dob/parents name/ contact number/Address on social media platforms, Dont Add unknown people with your social media account, even if someone known asks for money or any data in social media platforms such facebook or instagram dont trust him or her blindly , as impersonating is common thing on social media platforms.

4. Avoid openings attachment in mails from unknown sources.

5. Dont keep phone/latops unattended, also always lock them.

6. use Antivirus Softwares and keep them upto date.

7. Avoid connecting to unsecure network.

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Basic Unix Commands in 1 Hour

if you want learn Unix/Linux Commands in detail, here is the link

Learn Unix/Linux Commands in detail

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