Showing posts with label programming languages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label programming languages. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Top 10 java books for beginners (2022)

Java is one of the widely used programming language, though it first appeared in 1995, it has evolved continuously, its a dominant language in field of client–server web applications as well as mobile application development (Android). Many people ask that “Is Java a good career choice ? ” the answer is, yes, being a Java developer is a very good career choice, you can get high paying jobs if you are proficient in Java , Here are some more information about Java :

Question : Who invented Java?
Answer : James Gosling.

Question : Is Java and JavaScript same?
Answer : Both are two different languages.

Question : Which book is best for learning Java? Answer :
While there are tons of resources for learning java both online and offline , it becomes difficult for beginners to decide, Which book is best for learning Java? I will try to list some of the best java books for beginners in 2022 -

1. Java: A Beginner's Guide by Herbert Schildt : This book is one of my personal favourite and defiantly one of the Top 10 Java Books. This book has right content for beginners, Book Neither too long nor to short everything is perfectly balanced.

2. Effective Java by Bloch Joshua : Effective Java by Bloch Joshua is worth reading if you are trying to get understanding of Java. It is precise, crisp and to the point. You can build a strong foundation of java and overall development knowledge for yourself with the help of this book, this is one of the best book for java developers, even experienced java professionals find it very useful.

3. Java The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt : Another Gem by Author Herbert Schildt, which finds place in our list of top 10 java books for beginners. This book covers a lot of , hence its quite big. It can be sometimes overwhelming for beginners , use it as reference book.

4. Head First Java by Kathy Sierra , Bert Bates, Trisha Gee : Reading Head first book is always a fun, this books covers all basic concepts and keep you engaged, this book also provides good amount of practical examples.

5. Programming with Java by E. Balagurusamy : E. Balagurusamy is one of my favourite author, He has explained java concepts in very simple language, you get good understanding of theory and also get good practical examples, print quality is also good, though some people may not like colour scheme of fonts. This book focuses more on basic concepts and not meant for advanced user.

6. Effective Java by Bloch Joshua : Effective Java by Bloch Joshua is worth reading if you are trying to get understanding of Java. It is precise, crisp and to the point. You can build a strong foundation of java and overall development knowledge for yourself with the help of this book, this is one of the best book for java developers, even experienced java professionals find it very useful.

7. Java - An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming Walter Savitch : A very good book , popular among college students, easy to understand. You will find a lot of projects to do in this book.

8. Let us Java by Yashavant Kanetkar : This book has same been written in same style as hugely popular “Let us C”, this book is good if you have some programming ( any other language ) knowledge , this book is good for quick reading.

9. Core Java: an Integrated Approach by Rao R. Nageswara : This book is good for beginners to intermediate users.

10. Core Java: Made Simple by Som Prakash Rai : Good for beginners with comparatively less theory and more examples.

Here are Some honourable mentions :

1. Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies by Barry A. Burd : if you are from non programming background ,you can surely go for this book, book is written in very simple and easy language. While Some people might say that this book is for kids, i would say this book is useful for everyone who is just Beginning.

2. Core and Advanced Java, Black Book , Dreamtech Press India Pvt. Ltd : This book covers both core and advanced java, it also covers frameworks like Hibernate. It also explains topics like collection framework very nicely .

3. Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy in Java by Karumanchi Narasimha : As name suggests ,This book focuses more on Algorithms. Its good if you have prior coding knowledge while reading this book.

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Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Know the programming language behind your favourite social media platforms

We all use different social media networks in our day to day life, lets discuss about the programing languages which give them their special powers :

1. Twitter : Microblogging Platfrom twitter which have 300+ million monthly active users since 2019 is written in Java,Ruby,Scala,JavaScript.

2. Facebook : Online social networking service Facebook which is belived to have 2.8 billion monthly active users as of 2020 is powered by C++ and Hack , dont be surprised by the name "Hack", its a dialect of php devloped by meta.

3. Youtube : Online video sharing platform which had 2.6 billion active users as on January 2021, is written in C, C++, Java,Python , Go and JavaScript.

4. Instagram : Photo and video sharing social networking service Instagram is mainly written in Python, As on June 2018 it had 1 billion monthly active users.

5. WhatsApp : Instant messaging (IM) and voice-over-IP (VoIP) service WhatsApp which had over 2 billion active users As of February 2020, is written in Erlang.

6. Telegram : Instant messaging (IM) service Telegram, which is belived to have 700 million monthly active users as on June 2022, is written in C++ , C , Java.

Source : Wikipedia

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Friday, July 29, 2022

Know About AI, ML and DL

There is a lot buzz around AI ( Artificial intelligence ) and ML ( Machine learning ) and DL ( Deep Learning ) now a days, Big IT and Tech Companies are offering hefty paychecks to the people who are proficient in these technologies, even many non tech people have great curiosity about these terms. AI is also one of the favourite word of hollywood, used often in sci fi movies. lets understand basics of these technologies in simple words :

AI ( Artificial intelligence ) : We humans have natural intelligence, traditional old fashioned machines did not have intelligence, Artificial intelligence is term used where machines are capable of showing their own intelligence, in other words they can show atleast some amount of human or animal behaviour in terms of intelligence, concepts of AI is older then 60 years. AI ( Artificial intelligence ) is very Big field and ML ( Machine learning ) and DL ( Deep Learning ) are its subset, in fact DL is subset of ML. "Intelligent agents" is a important term in field of AI research, Intelligent agents or IA understands its surrounding or environment, and takes action independently in order to achieve ojectives, unlike normal machines such agents may show improvement in performance either with exiting knowledge ( data ) or through learning which may also involve some kind of feedback mechanism, ( Think of thermostat device which regulates temperature as a simple AI agent ).

have you ever thought that how does Google or other search engines giving you very accurate recommendation ? well answer is simple they are making use of AI.

AI is everywhere from search engines to music or video steaming apps such as youtube, to tesla`s self driving cars.

To make a machine which have Artificial intelligence capabilty you need methods which are able to learn, in other words you need ML, thse learning methods make use of data available to them and try to provide improved performance while making decisions and predictions,ML is sometimes also called predictive analysis, ML programs perform tasks based on learning from data instead of being explicitly Programmed to do so.

DL is part of machine learning ( ML ), just like biological brain has Neurons, DL is based on Artificial neural network which in turn inspired from biological neural networks ( biological brains ), Automatic speech recognition can be cited as example DL.

As a Software Professional, you should know that There are many Programing languages and software libraries used in field of AI,ML and DL, few of them are LISP,R, Python and ternsorflow

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Basic Unix Commands in 1 Hour

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Monday, July 11, 2022

Top 5 computer languages as of 2022

Top 5 computer languages as of 2022

Top 5 computer languages as of 2022 ( Not in any particular order )

1. Python : Simple and Powerful scripting language, Very Popular for Machine Learning, data science, artificial intelligence , Automation.

2. C : Very efficient and fast language, its simple and have large ecosystem and libraries.

3. C++ : Just like its close relative C, C++ is Very efficient and fast language, used vastly for game development.

4. Java : Platform Independent ( Write once , run anywhere Or WORA ), Used for Mobile Applications development ( Android ), internet of things (IoT),Big data and much more.

5. Javascript : Default language of internet, All major browsers have Javascript Engine, also used for backend devlopement (Node.js).

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Basic Unix Commands in 1 Hour

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