Friday, July 29, 2022

Know About AI, ML and DL

There is a lot buzz around AI ( Artificial intelligence ) and ML ( Machine learning ) and DL ( Deep Learning ) now a days, Big IT and Tech Companies are offering hefty paychecks to the people who are proficient in these technologies, even many non tech people have great curiosity about these terms. AI is also one of the favourite word of hollywood, used often in sci fi movies. lets understand basics of these technologies in simple words :

AI ( Artificial intelligence ) : We humans have natural intelligence, traditional old fashioned machines did not have intelligence, Artificial intelligence is term used where machines are capable of showing their own intelligence, in other words they can show atleast some amount of human or animal behaviour in terms of intelligence, concepts of AI is older then 60 years. AI ( Artificial intelligence ) is very Big field and ML ( Machine learning ) and DL ( Deep Learning ) are its subset, in fact DL is subset of ML. "Intelligent agents" is a important term in field of AI research, Intelligent agents or IA understands its surrounding or environment, and takes action independently in order to achieve ojectives, unlike normal machines such agents may show improvement in performance either with exiting knowledge ( data ) or through learning which may also involve some kind of feedback mechanism, ( Think of thermostat device which regulates temperature as a simple AI agent ).

have you ever thought that how does Google or other search engines giving you very accurate recommendation ? well answer is simple they are making use of AI.

AI is everywhere from search engines to music or video steaming apps such as youtube, to tesla`s self driving cars.

To make a machine which have Artificial intelligence capabilty you need methods which are able to learn, in other words you need ML, thse learning methods make use of data available to them and try to provide improved performance while making decisions and predictions,ML is sometimes also called predictive analysis, ML programs perform tasks based on learning from data instead of being explicitly Programmed to do so.

DL is part of machine learning ( ML ), just like biological brain has Neurons, DL is based on Artificial neural network which in turn inspired from biological neural networks ( biological brains ), Automatic speech recognition can be cited as example DL.

As a Software Professional, you should know that There are many Programing languages and software libraries used in field of AI,ML and DL, few of them are LISP,R, Python and ternsorflow

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Sunday, July 24, 2022

Basics of Permissions on Unix and Linux Systems and chmod Command | Part -1

Permissions play an important role in unix / linux ecosystem, they are integral part of data security, every file and directory must have clearly defined ownership, As a beginner you should undertand that each file and directory have three types of permissions

A) Read
B) Write
C) Execute

There are some advanced concepts as well such as sticky bit,suid,sgid and umask which are meant for advanced users, we will discuss these in our future posts.

These permissions are represented in following two types of notations :

1) Symbolic notation
a) read : r
b) write : w
c) execute : x

2) Numeric notation
a) read : 4
b) write : 2
c) execute : 1

lets understand these concepts with examples:
i have created two directories Permissionsdemo1 and Permissionsdemo2 inside home path of user "appuser1" with same user, this user is part of group "app", defaults permissions of these directories are "rwxr-xr-x" ( rwx -> owner | r-x -> group | r-x others ), which means owner of these directories have all three read(4), write(2) and execute(1) permissions, the group ( or group members) to which owner belongs to have read(4) and execute (1) permissions, other too have read(4) and execute (1) permissions

Next i have created a file inside Permissionsdemo1 directory with "appuser1" user, with name "", its a executable file ( Script ), default permission of this file is "-rw-r--r--" ( -rw -> owner | r-- -> group | r-- others ), which means owner of this file have read(4) and write(2) permissions,the group ( or group members) to which owner belongs have read(4) permissions and other too have read(4) permissions

Here comes the interesting part, Unix ( or Linux ) Provides you way to change the default permissions, You can do this with the help of "chmod" command. Again this commands as two forms -

A) Symbolic
B) Numerical

In this post i will be focusing on Numerical form , will explain Symbolic form in next part, i personally find Numerical form easier to learn and practice , Please pay close attention to following example where i have provided permsions "640" to file "" . This means owner of this file have this file have read(4) and write(2) permissions,the group ( or group members) to which owner belongs to have read(4) permissions and other Dont have any permissions (0). Notice that only owner of the file or superuser ( example : root ) can run this command . After this change , one other user "neeraj" ( which is not part of group "app" ) is not able to read the file. howver appuser2 which is part of "app" group is still able to read the file, since group has read permissions,

However we notice that neither "appuser1" ( owner ) or "appuser2" ( owners group member ) are are able to execute this file

To Solve this problem, we will again use "chmod" command.
i provided permsions "750" to file "" . This means owner of this file have this file have read(4) and write(2) and execute(1) permissions,the group ( or group members) to which owner belongs have read(4) permissions and execute(1) and others Dont have any permissions (0).

In next expample i have tried to write one line to "" using "appuser2" which is not owner of file but is part of owners group, since the group does not have write permissions, my attempt failed and i got error "Permission denied". group currently has 5 ( Read : 4 + execute : 1 ) Permissions.

To Provide write permissions to group , i have used "chmod 770" , this will provide full permissions ( Read : 4 ,Write : 2 and Execute : 1 ) to owner as well as group but no (0) permission to others, after this i am able to write to file "", i am also able to execute the modified file with "appuser2"

Since now "appuser2" has "full" ( really ? ) permissions to file "" ( As it is part of "app" group and group has read,write and execute permissions). Should it be able to delete ( remove ) the file "" ? The answer is "not yet" and reason is little complex
you can see in following example "appuser2" is not able to delete ( remove ) the file ""

The reason is while deleting a file ( "appuser2" ( owners group user ), also trying to modifiy the directory "PermissionDemo1" , however the group does not have permission to modify the directory. with the help of chmod command we have now modified persmissions of "PermissionDemo1" directory, We have used chmod "771" , this gives read ( 4 ) , write ( 2 ) and execute ( 1 ) permissions to both owner and group and only execute (1) permisions to others, note that this is for directory. after that "appuser2" is able to delete the file.

By now you are aware of basic concepts related to linux persmissions and also about "chmod" command, in next post i will be covering some advacned copncepts

if you want learn to Basic Unix Commands in 1 Hour, here is the link

Basic Unix Commands in 1 Hour

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Monday, July 18, 2022

Most Popular Linux distribution as of 2022

Here is list of most poular linux distribution as of 2022 , this list is not in any particualr order, This list include list of distributions aimed for both desktop and servers,

1. Debian Linux

2. Fedora Linux

3. Ubuntu / Ubuntu Server ( derived from Debian )

4. Red Hat Enterprise Linux ( RHEL ) ( Derived from Fedora Linux )

5. openSUSE/SUSE Linux Enterprise

Some honourable mentions

1. MX Linux

2. Slackware

3. Arch Linux

4. CentOS

5. Linux Mint

6. Manjaro Linux

7. oracle linux

Note - this list is based on our own opinion and research and we do not claim that it is accurate and complete
if you want learn to Basic Unix Commands in 1 Hour, here is the link

Basic Unix Commands in 1 Hour

if you want learn Unix/Linux Commands in detail, here is the link

Learn Unix/Linux Commands in detail

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Monday, July 11, 2022

Top 5 computer languages as of 2022

Top 5 computer languages as of 2022

Top 5 computer languages as of 2022 ( Not in any particular order )

1. Python : Simple and Powerful scripting language, Very Popular for Machine Learning, data science, artificial intelligence , Automation.

2. C : Very efficient and fast language, its simple and have large ecosystem and libraries.

3. C++ : Just like its close relative C, C++ is Very efficient and fast language, used vastly for game development.

4. Java : Platform Independent ( Write once , run anywhere Or WORA ), Used for Mobile Applications development ( Android ), internet of things (IoT),Big data and much more.

5. Javascript : Default language of internet, All major browsers have Javascript Engine, also used for backend devlopement (Node.js).

if you want learn to Basic Unix Commands in 1 Hour, here is the link

Basic Unix Commands in 1 Hour

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Sunday, July 10, 2022

Cyber Safety tips

Cyber Safety tips

Internet has become an important part of our life, while its been helping us in our day to day life, it has its own set of risks, online frauds are becoming very common now a days, people end up loosing their hard earn money or important data, sometimes people become victims of identity theft,or their personal photographs are compromised. here are some tips which can save you from falling pray to such scams.

1. Passwords are first wall of defence against cyber attacks, Keep Complex and long password, Dont use same password for multiple sites /social media accounts , never share otp/password , Avoid writing passwords.

2. Dont install apps from any untrusted source on your mobile phone, Read user reviews of apps, think twice before downloading new apps with very few numbers of downloads, you can Also Control permissions given to apps , try to give minimum required permissions to any app , Avoid scanning qr codes from unkown source.

3. Dont click on random links received via whatsapp/sms, avoid clicking on any unkown link, make sure that the website address is correct, sites starting with "https" ( instead of http ) are relatively safe ( also check for padlock symbol in front of "https" sites ).

4. Avoid international unkown numbers, dont share any personal information on any Call with known numbers, never share otps and passwords on call with anyone, watch for unusual Network absense, long duration unusual Network absense can be serious, Someone may be trying to get another sim with your number.

5. Avoid sharing personal information such as dob/parents name/ contact number/Address on social media platforms, Dont Add unknown people with your social media account, even if someone known asks for money or any data in social media platforms such facebook or instagram dont trust him or her blindly , as impersonating is common thing on social media platforms.

4. Avoid openings attachment in mails from unknown sources.

5. Dont keep phone/latops unattended, also always lock them.

6. use Antivirus Softwares and keep them upto date.

7. Avoid connecting to unsecure network.

if you want learn to Basic Unix Commands in 1 Hour, here is the link

Basic Unix Commands in 1 Hour

if you want learn Unix/Linux Commands in detail, here is the link

Learn Unix/Linux Commands in detail

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