Sunday, August 14, 2022

Five Simple Ways you can save the environment

1. Use a human powered bicycle – While using a car or motorcycle might look more stylish, riding human powered bicycle may help you in many ways, first you don't need to burn lot of fossil fuel which reduces emission of toxic and green house gases, Second you save some money which was meant to be used for fuel , third you save more money in form of your hospital bills by burning lot of unwanted calories.

2. Green roof or Roof garden – Start growing some plants on your unused roof, this may contribute to reduction of temperature and your electricity bills since you have to use Air conditioning less often, this will also add some scenic beauty to your house and may provide accommodation to some beautiful birds and butterflies.

3. Waste segregation – modern urban lifestyle produces unimaginable amount of waster each year, while its not possible to recycle entire waste, We can still make waste management process more efficient by adopting waste segregation, wet waste specially food waste can be turned to into high quality fertilizers. While dry waste like plastic (at least some part of it) can be recycled into some other useful objects, segregation makes it easier to recycle. You can also adopt golden rule of RRR (reduce, reuse, recycle ).

4. Rainwater harvesting – Do some investment towards rain water harvesting, you can use this water for your garden during dryer times and keep your surrounding evergreen , even when water becomes scarce resource.

5. Avoid pesticides and harmful chemical – All pesticide and chemicals which are being used by us ultimately end up in our environment, mostly in our water resources, so try to avoid them or at least minimise their use, you can also use organic and nature friendly alternatives wherever possible , for example “Neem oil” is natural pesticide.

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